Scientific Contributions

Call for Scientific Contributions

The scientific main program will again consist of presentations of already published articles in international journals or conferences. This way, we offer a “Best of” of the publications of research groups in the German-speaking area. We contribute to the scientific discourse and increase the visibility of the contributions.

Submissions for the scientific program consist of two parts, which should be combined into a single PDF and submitted via EasyChair:

1. Summary of the contribution, up to two pages in LNI format (German or English). The summary must refer to an original contribution in an international conference or journal of software engineering. The summary must specify the exact name of the conference or journal and the year of publication of the contribution to be presented again at SE. Only proposals of peer-reviewed technical contributions that have been accepted in full length at the respective main conference (or journal) and have not yet been presented at SE will be accepted. The following will not be accepted for this call: short papers, invited papers, doctoral symposium papers, “New Idea” tracks, tool demonstrations, side events, workshops, or similar.

2. PDF full text of the contribution mentioned in (1). This contribution must have been published or accepted for publication after January 1, 2023. The presenter must be a (co-)author of the mentioned contributions and may also present the larger project context along with the research results.

Submissions will be selected by the program committee. We use a two-stage process: First, program committee members will filter out completely unsuitable or fundamentally flawed contributions. The remaining contributions will be evaluated for their relevance to software engineering topics and ranked, among other things, according to the quality of the original conference or journal. The works and data should be freely available, e.g., on Zenodo, Figshare, or Arxiv. For data that cannot be provided (e.g., due to confidentiality obligations or data protection reasons), a justification must be given. Presentation slots will then be allocated according to this ranking.

The summaries of the accepted contributions will be included in the purely digital conference proceedings of SE 2025.



LNI Template:


Submissions will be selected by the program committee. We use a two-stage process: First, program committee members will filter out completely unsuitable or fundamentally flawed contributions. The remaining contributions will be evaluated for their relevance to software engineering topics and ranked, among other things, according to the quality of the original conference or journal. The works and data should be freely available, e.g., on Zenodo, Figshare, or Arxiv. For data that cannot be provided (e.g., due to confidentiality obligations or data protection reasons), a justification must be given. Presentation slots will then be allocated according to this ranking.

PC Co-Chairs

Anna-Lena Lamprecht, University of Potsdam

Thomas Thüm, TU Braunschweig

Program Committee

  • Andreas Wortmann [University of Stuttgart]
  • Barbara Paech [University of Heidelberg]
  • Ben Hermann [TU Dortmund]
  • Deepak Dhungana [FH Krems]
  • Iris Groher [JKU Linz]
  • Jil Ann-Christin Klünder [Leibniz University Hannover]
  • Lars Grunske [Humboldt University Berlin]
  • Michael Felderer [DLR]
  • Michael Pradel [University of Stuttgart]
  • Paul Grünbacher [JKU Linz]
  • Ruth Breu [University of Innsbruck]
  • Sabine Glesner [TU Berlin]
  • Timo Kehrer [University of Bern]
  • Uwe Zdun [University of Vienna]